Eggless Cake Rusk Tiramisu
Tiramisu with a twist!
This is a tried and tested recipe many times over and yes to begin with I used the finger biscuits just to see if I can get the taste and texture right especially with not using alcohol as well. Me and my family don’t eat eggs as such but me and my siblings will have some ready made items that contain eggs.
From the age of 10, I began baking and always have baked without eggs. So to find my alternative to finger biscuits, I tried making my own sponge cake but a little firmer than usual. This worked alright but it becomes crumbling after the cake has been soaked in the coffee. One day my dad bought home some rusk biscuits, as I ate it I dipped it in my tea and it seemed to hold together well. It is a hard biscuit that soften without crumbling so I tried it and it worked. Hey presto! I had an ingredient to make this classic dish suitable for me and my family. This rusk biscuit is an ingredient usually found in Asian stores and takes origin from India.